By Playing Cloudnine You Agree To These Rules If You Dont Follow Them You Will be Kicked off our game

To avoid punishment on the Cloudnine forums, I advise you read the rules below.
Actions That Will Result in an Infraction:
Spamming: Any posts found to be irrelevant, or off topic entirely. So please make sure your post relates to the topic in some way. (Obviously this does not pertain to the spam section) Bumping: Posting on your own thread to make it noticeable to the community. ( you are allowed to bump a thread once every 24hrs) Flaming: Making multiple posts and/or threads that directly target someone or something in an insulting fashion. Double Posting: making a post that directly succeeds your own. ( basically just posting back-to-back) Posting a Thread in the Wrong Section: Pretty straight forward; make sure your thread is posted where it belongs. Making Multiple Appeal Threads: If your appeal thread is denied, do not make another one. Racism: Insulting a player based on race. (Immediate Mute and temp. Ban) Posting Threads About Being a Moderator: Any threads and/or posts that suggest players for staff positions. Staff Disrespect: Arguing with a staff member about a punishment, and flaming a staff member. Requesting Cookies on Your Thread and/or Post: Straight forward rule, just don't do it. Cookie-ing yourself: :Do not make new accounts and give yourself cookies that you do not deserve. You earn cookies. So actually do something to earn them. Posting a Thread About the Server Being Offline: If a mod or admin has made a statement about the server being offline, do not make a thread with the question. Having Mature Content in Your Signature: Any pictures, videos, etc. containing adult content (18+) deleted. Failure to do so will result in the removal of your signature, and an infraction on the first post we see containing your signature. Giving yourself rep(karma) or asking someone to give rep(karma) to you without reason: You cannot ask someone or be going around repping someone and asking for rep back. That is the same thing as cookies and you will be infracted for it. Do not do it. You earn rep/cookies. You don't beg for it.
Actions That Will Result in a Ban:
Excessive Spamming: Making many spam posts or threads that are spam. Extreme Flaming and Racism: Explicit wording and/or Racial spurs, in a number of Posts or Threads. Continuous Staff Disrespect: Further flaming of a staff member after the issue was handled. Buying/Selling Cloudnine Items for Runescape Items or Gp: Any threads made to buy/sell Cloudnine items for Rs items or gp will be deleted, and will come with a month-long ban. Ban Evading: Making a new account after being banned on another, and posting anything other then an appeal thread. Attempted Phishing/Hacking: Anyone who posts links leading to dangerous websites will be permanently banned, no questions asked. Advertising Another server: Any threads/posts advertising another server will be deleted, and users will receive a 1 month ban. Posting a Quitting Thread: By posting a quitting thread, you plan to leave this community, and this only helps that process. Ripping: Using anyone's works for a competition, such as stealing a signature for SOTW. Cookie-ing yourself: :Do not make new accounts and give yourself cookies that you do not deserve. You earn cookies. So actually do something to earn them. Giving yourself rep(karma) or asking someone to give rep(karma) to you without reason: You cannot ask someone or be going around repping someone and asking for rep back. That is the same thing as cookies and you will be infracted for it. Do not do it. You earn rep/cookies. You don't beg for it. *Moderators* - It is not in the job description of a moderator to help players. Moderators enforce rules, and preside over forums, or a debate. Moderators usually help because it's part of their character, moderators tend to be nice people, that end up helping players.

Regarding RuneScape/Jagex Ltd.
RuneScape is copyright (©) Jagex Ltd 1999-2010. RuneScape and
Jagex are registered trademarks of Jagex Ltd.

Cloudnine and it's game client are not affiliated with Jagex Ltd in any
way and exists solely for educational purposes.